Stats on wordpress

We have 2 options for that on

1. Piwik

we would configure for you.

(I believe offers it automatically for their users).

Piwik does the job and has a nice graph overview, but is a little bit limited, slightly slows down the websites, and it's more work for us sysadmins.

2 : wp slimstat

It can show more and different overviews than Piwik can, but is more difficult to configure at first (though we can initially configure it for you if you like).

You can already enable the wp slimstat plugin and try it yourself.

(you can ignore the "wp slimstat dashboard widget" plugin for now, just enable the wp slimstat one)

See here for some help configuring it :

You can look at those screenshots and compare settings.

More info about wp slimstat at the plugin page :

Let us know if you have more questions.